Growing Education Training

As one of the district’s transition programs, G.E.T. (Growing Education Training) program began at one high school in partnership with Cymplify Central, a local business that included a market, coffee shop, and café.  G.E.T. is an extension of the district’s community based vocational education program which provides real life experiences for students with disabilities.  The…


Acceptance & Encouragement

My name is Chip Koval.  I am a member of the Board of Directors of GROW HUB.  I am also the father of Caitlin, a 26 years old and has cerebral palsy.  She worked tremendously hard to get a regular high school diploma.  She graduated with honors and went on to get an Associates of…


Farm to School to Work

We started the Farm to School to Work Hub to help get people with special needs into the workforce. But we quickly saw that some people need extra time and structure to discover what their abilities are and how they fit with possible jobs. The cool thing about agriculture is that there are so many…
